Department Chairs Community of Practice

The Department Chairs Community of Practice is an opportunity for department chairs and academic program directors to connect with each other around academic leadership topics.

In-person gatherings start with lunch and 15 minutes of networking before facilitators and presenters lead the group in meaningful conversation. For virtual meetings, we encourage cameras to be turned on. Seeing each other helps us to build community, share ideas, conduct discussions, and learn together in a welcoming environment.

2024-2025 Program

August 21, 2024, 4 p.m. at Memorial Union Terrace

“Welcome Back Gathering”

  • Join us to meet and connect with new and continuing chairs, and to discuss challenges and opportunities happening in your department this year. This event will follow the final session of Leadership Essentials for NEW department chairs. Come to help welcome the new chairs into our community!
  • Appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. No registration required
  • To find our group, look for the table with a helium balloon attached. The event organizers will also wear our name tags so we’re easily identifiable. We will move indoors to Der Rathskeller in case of inclement weather.

September 19, 2024, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Union South

“The Chair’s Role at UW–Madison”

  • In Spring 2024, all department chairs were invited to complete a survey about their role and responsibilities, and resources needed to better serve their department. In this gathering we will discuss the findings from that survey and the implications for chairs at UW–Madison.
  • Register by September 4, 2024, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

October 16, 2024, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Union South

“Communicating During Challenging Times”

  • As chairs, you may face a whole host of challenging situations. How you communicate during the challenge can dramatically impact the situation, for the better or for the worse. In this gathering, colleagues from strategic communications will share the strategy behind how the university has navigated recent challenging situations. They will also provide guidance for how chairs can respond to internal and external issues impacting the department.
  • Register by October 1, 2024, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

November 12, 2024, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Memorial Union

“Managing Up”

  •  Join us for a discussion with senior associate deans about finding resources for your department and shared wins for your school or college. You’ll also learn about the associate dean role, what they focus on, and what questions to take to them versus other school, college, or university partners. This conversation will also be useful for those considering a leadership role after completing their term as chair.
  • Register by October 28, 2024, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

December 12, 2024, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Union South

“Case Studies”

  • Get insights to your current challenges from your peers. Submit a challenge (anonymously) to the private survey site. The facilitators will select several challenges to work through in both small and large-group discussion.
  • Register by November 27, 2024, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

January 23, 2025, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. via Zoom


  • Description coming soon
  • Register by January 22, 2025, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

February 12, 2025, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Union South

“HR Policies and Procedures”

  • Multiple subject-matter experts will join this gathering to provide advice on HR-related policies and procedures. When you enter the room, choose a table to sit at based on your interest, including faculty recruitment, onboarding faculty and staff, promotion to associate professor, post-tenure reviews, performance management, and retirement.
  • Register by January 28, 2025, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

March 12, 2025, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Union South

“Conversation with the Chancellor and Provost”

  • This is our annual opportunity to talk informally with the chancellor and provost about issues facing your departments and the university.
  • Register by February 25, 2025, at
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

April 8, 2025, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Union South

“Using Data to Make Informed Decisions”

  • Bring your laptop to this hands-on gathering to learn from DAPIR staff about the variety of data resources available now about your department. You will use your computer to find, access, and sort through all the data available about your department and school or college. You will also learn how to compare your data to that of other departments. We will also discuss how this data can be used to help you make informed decisions about issues facing your department.
  • Register by March 24, 2025, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event

May 7, 2025, 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. at Union South

“Reflecting on the Year”

  • Reflection is a process that helps you make meaning out of your experiences. At this gathering, we’ll reflect on the academic year: our successes or failures, moments of joy or stress, who we were at the start of the year and who we are becoming, and what we need to hold on to or let go of in the next academic year. There will be time for both individual reflection and group discussion.
  • Register by April 22, 2025, at:
  • Any related materials or handouts will be added to the Department Chair Community of Practice Box folder after the event